ABOUT Trainer & Mentor
Sushil chauhan
Meet Sushil Chauhan, a distinguished professional with a robust background in the financial realm, armed with a Master of Computer Applications (MCA) degree and a wealth of experience spanning over 10 years in the dynamic landscape of the stock market. Worked with Angel Broking Ltd. as an Trading Applications & Products Trainer from 2013 to 2016 in Delhi. Along with an impressive array of certifications, including being a NISM Certified Research Analyst and registered with prominent entities such as IRDA, NSE, MCX, and NCDEX Indian Stock Market Exchanges, Sushil Chauhan stands as a beacon of knowledge and expertise in the field.

He is extremely passionate about education and technology. He is an active financial market participant and love to contribute to the complete Indian Stock Market ecosystem. Knowledgeable and dedicated financial expert to utilize economic knowledge in research analyst position.
Having the core ability to be an excellent trainer with Technical knowledge of the subject, Sushil can help you save a lot of money you will have to pay to the market itself by making losses. Extensive experience analyzing and evaluating investment possibilities, market trends, and stocks. A candidate who combines market awareness and quick and accurate work and prioritizes excellent communication to ensure success. Proven track record across nearly 8 year working experience of improving profits through analytical thinking.
My Objective
To leverage my extensive expertise as a seasoned trainer and mentor in the financial industry, backed by a Master of Computer Applications degree and over 8 years of hands-on experience in the stock market. With a commitment to excellence demonstrated through certifications such as NISM Certified Research Analyst and registration with IRDA, NSE, MCX, and NCDEX, I aim to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the complexities of the financial markets. Through a holistic approach that combines theoretical acumen with practical insights, my objective is to guide and mentor aspiring investors, instilling in them a mindset of continuous improvement and resilience in the face of market dynamics. By offering comprehensive training in market analysis, effective trading strategies, and risk management, I seek to contribute to the success and financial well-being of those under my mentorship.
If you are in search of good stock market training platform to make much better and lots of money and become successful in the world of trading. Stockfyre Academy is one of the top leading online financial education providers which suit your needs.